Thursday, August 9, 2012

Princess drinks

Hello all!

 Sometimes in a place of so much bright colour you are tempted to look just at the light. The magic of a black and white photo is that you focus on the shades of light and shadow you might otherwise miss. Last week we met up with our friend Michael for some sangria and I took the opportunity to point my lens at everyone. 

Not to be left out of the festivities my niece Caia was having a special juice that looked just like our princess drinks (everything special is currently referred to on a scale of princessness. The most special is anything that is like Mummy mermaid princess). She enjoyed it so much she had finished her first in few minutes. Not a shy and retiring child that I was at that age, she went up to the bar to get herself another.
Patiently waiting for her princess juice...
She did this I might add all by herself. Climbed up on the bar stool and waited very politely while we all gathered at the far end of the bar to watch. In the end Craig stepped in to help her down with the juice.

absolutely worth the wait!
2 1/2 going on 30.

Have a fantastic day full of princess drinks,


Friday, August 3, 2012

colour love

Hi there!

I have always been flummoxed by the idea of a favorite colour. How on earth can you possibly choose just one? I cannot even narrow it down to a family of colours. As a kid I would often say green, which also happened to be my Mom's favorite colour...but I could never really settle on a shade. And then I would think about other colours and how much I enjoyed them and want to pick another colour as well.

Today I still love colour...the subtlety of shades, the fade of ombre. Colour infuses everything we look at. I found this great template over at Pugly Pixel and it was the perfect excuse to start a little feature about colour. All the photos are ones that I took specifically because I loved the colours..I hope you do too.

some pretty shades of green and gold.

Have a spectacular weekend everyone!
